Two women lactation consultants are standing in a hospital hallway

Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace

Glacial Ridge Health System Receives State Recognition from MDH

Glacial Ridge Health System has been named a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) for its contributions to the health of parents and their babies. MDH recognizes workplaces and county health departments that have demonstrated their commitment to supporting breastfeeding families by creating a workplace lactation support program.

“We are very proud of the support we can offer to help mothers continue breastfeeding their babies as long as they desire. Being able to express breastmilk while away from their babies plays a huge role in their continued breastfeeding success,” states Jamie Boelke, RN, IBCLC, one of Glacial Ridge Health System’s Lactation Consultants.

The designation acknowledges Glacial Ridge Health System’s commitment to acting as a model for the community. The designation is achieved by adopting a written policy and educating staff about it; ensuring adequate break time for breastfeeding employees; providing a clean, private place to pump breast milk; and demonstrating a strong commitment to supporting breastfeeding in the workplace.

Breastfeeding is a foundational way to ensure that babies receive optimal nutrition during the first formative years of life. Studies show that infants who are breastfed have better health outcomes as they grow. MDH recognizes organizations that have taken a leadership role in improving breastfeeding rates and meeting Healthy 2030 goals. In May of 2022, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its recommendation for breastfeeding to include the recommendation of “exclusive breastfeeding for approximately six months followed by continued breastfeeding with complementary foods for at least two years and beyond as mutually desired.” MDH’s recognition program was created and supported by the state Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC) and the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP).

Glacial Ridge Lactation Consultants

Providing lactation consultation is an additional component of the continuity of care to ensure a positive experience during an important time in parents’ and babies’ lives. Pictured above are Glacial Ridge Hospital RNs and International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) Alissa and Jamie (on the right). They’re available on both an inpatient and outpatient basis to help new mothers with one-on-one breastfeeding assistance following birth.