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Category: Healthy Living
Head Off the Winter Doldrums!
Symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can be improved when you take action, the earlier in the season the better. Begin your winter mental health plan now by using a few of these tools.
Flu or Cold? And Other Flu Facts.
Respiratory illness season has begun. For a refresh on symptoms of flu vs. a cold, and important things to know about influenza season, here you are.
Wash Away Germs: Simple Steps to Prevent Illness
Did you know proper handwashing is still one of the best ways to prevent the spread of illness? Learn when and how to wash your hands.
Have a Guilt-Free Thanksgiving
This year, make Thanksgiving about more than a table and a plate full of food. Start new traditions and enjoy the time spent with family.
Teen Drug and Alcohol Use Impacts Brain Development: How You Can Help
Substance use changes the brain and affects people’s behaviors and actions. What are the signs of your child or teenager is using nicotine, alcohol or other drugs? And how can you help?
Leaves and Snow Should Fall, Not You
Your vision, medications, and strength play a role in your risk for falls. The good news is that falls are preventable.
Quitters Can Win / Challenge to Quit
Giving up smoking or any nicotine use is a journey, and it can be hard. Here are 10 Quit Tips to help you get started on stopping.
Hormone Therapy – Yes or No?
With menopause come questions about hormone replacement therapy. Glacial Ridge Health System’s doctors can discuss the options and provide the best care for you.
Pay attention to your prostate!
A PSA test can detect prostate cancer early. Learn more. The medical staff at Glacial Ridge Health System know how important it is and encourage regular screening.