a senior woman using exercise equipment in a medical area poses with a female pulmonary rehab medical tech

Pulmonary Rehabilitation – Improving Life, One Breath at a Time

lung graphicBy Mitchi Lee, Pulmonary Rehab, Cardiac Rehab, and Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Rehab Specialist

Nearly everyone knows someone suffering from pulmonary diseases, such as COPD, emphysema, asthma, and bronchiectasis. These conditions can significantly affect people’s lives by limiting their ability to interact with the world around them and lead to other health conditions, including heart disease, depression, and frequent respiratory infections. A primary symptom of chronic breathing disorders is shortness of breath, making simple activities difficult. Because of this, individuals often limit and avoid movement, which deconditions them and places more demand on the heart and lungs.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation helps individuals better understand their breathing, improve strength, reduce fatigue, and relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Being active makes it easier to carry out routine tasks and be involved in social activities. Pulmonary Rehab is a monitored exercise program tailored to meet individuals’ physical needs, guiding them to living well with chronic lung disease. It complements existing medical therapy, such as using oxygen, inhalers, nebulizers, and other forms of medicine.

Katie D. of Glenwood said, “Mitchi was wonderful and helped me to increase my workouts. I feel better, and my endurance is longer.” Ginny B. from Starbuck also completed Pulmonary Rehab at GRHS and shared, “My breathing is much better, and I plan to continue doing the exercises I learned to build up my endurance. I had a lot of questions about my COPD, and Mitchi explained them in detail, answering all of my concerns.”

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week aims to raise awareness about the severity of pulmonary diseases, educate individuals about treatment options, and celebrate that there are programs to help improve quality of life and better manage their disease!

Discuss your questions with your healthcare team to see if Pulmonary Rehab would benefit your wellness journey.