Truwitt Harold Blok, son of Deneall and Gary Blok of Glenwood, was born at 6:40 p.m. on January 6, 2022, claiming the honor of being Glacial Ridge Hospital’s first baby of the year. Jessie van der Hagen, CNP, CNM had the honor of attending Truwitt’s birth, who was 9 pounds, 10 ounces, and 20.5 inches long. He is welcomed home by siblings Claire, Lillyana, Eveline, Aubree, Isabella, and Walter. His grandparents are Harry and Judy Blok of Glenwood and Neilden and Pam Vatthauer of Rochester, MN. Congratulations!
Deneall and Gary received celebratory gifts from local businesses for Truwitt and a jogging stroller from Glacial Ridge Hospital.
In front row are Gary, Deneall, and Truwitt Blok. In back are from left Gina Larson, RN and Jessie van der Hagen, CNP, CNM, Family Medicine, Certified Nurse Midwife.