Author: Glacial Ridge Health System (Glacial Ridge Health System)

woman doctor

Audiologist Rebecca Younk Brings her Practice to Glacial Ridge Health System

Originally published in the Pope County Tribune, May 29, 2023 Glacial Ridge Health System recently welcomed audiologist Rebecca Younk. Younk has been working with patients in Morris and already had patients from the area and was approached about starting a practice at the Glenwood facility. She jumped at the opportunity, it was stated. “I was...

breast imaging

What is breast density and why does it matter?

For years, you’ve heard about the importance of breast self-examination and why you should have regular mammograms. Now it’s also important to understand breast density and what it could mean to determine your overall breast health. Breasts consist of fibrous and glandular tissue and fatty tissue. Dense breasts have little fat but more fibrous and...