Breathing is essential for life, and healthy lungs help keep us healthier overall. When lungs aren't healthy, it negatively impacts the rest of your body in many areas. Improving the quality of your indoor air is within your control.
Category: Healthy Living
Sleep Apnea: Its Risks Go Beyond Just Snoring
Without enough hours of uninterrupted sleep, you may experience daytime tiredness, weight gain, brain fog, or other sleep-related symptoms. For many common sleep disorders, treatment is available.
Bladder Health: Go with the flow—or not!
Bladder issues affect one in three adults. It isn’t something people like to talk about in public however, it’s a common medical condition that takes its toll on us emotionally, physically, and socially. There are several conditions that affect the bladder—and help is available for them.
Lungs: When Breathing Easy—Isn’t
From chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to lung cancer, pneumonia, and other concerns, when our airways are impacted, each good breath becomes a gift. Learn more about these lung conditions.
Heartfelt Care Includes Memory Care
Alzheimer’s has a resounding impact on the families and the caregivers of those with the disease. Learn about the early signs of dementia, mood changes, risks, and support for caregivers.
Radon at Home: Test, fix, save a life.
Commonly found across Minnesota, the average radon level in our homes is more than 3xs higher than the rest of the U.S. Why is it dangerous? Is it in your home? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calls it a health hazard with a simple solution.
Flu Vaccinations are Essential for Pregnant Women
Flu vaccination performs double duty by protecting both pregnant women from serious illness and complications if they get the flu and protecting their unborn child. Learn more.
Don’t Be Deficient – Vitamin D Benefits
Vitamin D allows your body to use calcium and protect against bone loss. Vitamin D is also used by your immune system, brain, cardiovascular system, muscles, and respiratory system. Learn what you can do to avoid a Vitamin D deficiency.